Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 1- God made Rob for me, who did God make for you?

Genesis 1:1-3:24 (NLT) - Day 1

Do you believe in marriage? Do you believe there is one person that God created just for you? He created Eve just for Adam! He created her for his liking and to be his partner. With the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He gave us full will of knowledge and understanding, but leaves it in our hands to decide what is good and evil. He specifically placed someone special in Adams life. He gave him a wife, a partner. He did not call us to be alone. He called us to be happy with and in one another. After thinking about it and knowing that God specifically calls us to not be unequally yolked, it finally makes perfect sense to me. After my first marriage ended, I quickly realized I did not love the man I had married, I loved the idea of trying to make it on my own. Being a girl raised in churches I knew God, I had accepted God as my Lord and Savior, while my ex denied there could be a God. Now, knowing that the first marriage Rob entered into was between two people who were unequally yolked as well, it makes the path that God has in our lives clear. Though at times, I have not followed God and the calling He has for my life, He now has made it evident that His Will will be done! He placed Rob in my path when He knew I was in need of a lifelong partner. A partner after Gods heart too! After the first dance we shared, the first date, and all of the firsts in between... He has called me to be Robs wife, to be his partner; He made me for Rob and Rob for me.
Now, I find what the Lord spoke to Eve, then to Adam, to be one of the easiest things to see today. He told Eve that pregnancy and birth will cause pain, and went on to say how we as women will want to rule over our husbands, though our husband is the head and rules over us (NLT Genesis 1:16). Do you find this true? It isn't that I want to "rule" over my husband, however, I would like not to feel ruled over. As for what the Lord told men, it is more true today then ever... it takes the sweat of your brow to make a living (NLT Genesis 1:17-19). Understanding that God knew at that point in time that there was going to be struggles between woman and man he could have stopped it, He didn't though. He let the earth grow, be sewn, the fruits multiply and here today we are! We were all made for a purpose. We are all made in the image of His Majesty!
As wives let us remember today, that our husbands are our 'ruler' and as long as they are obeying God and His commands, we are to abide and follow! Respect the men in your lives with words of encouragement and not discipline. Make home life a pleasant place to be. It isn't always easy to want the best for your husbands, but they should come before yourself! They should be the first person you are praying for every morning when you wake up and the last person you are praying for every evening before you close your eyes. Ladies let me tell you something I have learned, even if it isn't said, you are appreciated! Men, husbands, remember this, as women we look to you for direction. We lean on you for your example and for understanding. All though you sew the ground and work HARD for the living we (women) look for the tender touch and tender hand that closes our day. Pray for us, pray for the mother of your child/children, pray for the words of tenderness through the day so you can come home and feel comforted in your home.
God uses marriage to help us not be lonely, but to enjoy life, establish families, and raise children. It is a beautiful gift! After going through a study (even though not completed), I am starting a new chapter here... In believing in marriage and it isn't only about the other person and what they need to change, it is about yourself, about dealing with our own issues with the help of our life long partner. God put them there for a reason! Do you know the reason He put them in your life? My thought for this journey in my life today is this: appreciate what I have right in front of me, be patient, respond positively (even when I am upset), and to love!

Very Respectfully,

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. ~Ephesians 4:2