Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 3 - Do you think God wishes he had never made the coventant to never flood the earth again?

GENESIS 7:1-10; 10:6-20; 10:21-30; 10:31-32
1CHRONICLES 1:5-7; 1:8-16; 1:17-23 (NIV)

As I look at Genesis and this flood that covered the earth, that killed all but this one family and the sets of all animals, I can't help but wonder if God wishes he had never made the covenant to never flood the earth again. Just look at today! God wiped this earth clean because of all of the sin! What is so different from then to what we see when we look at the world today?

Why did God see Noah as a blameless man? Noah followed the Lord and obeyed Him. Having done this and raised his family right they were worthy to live, in Gods eyes... How was Noah so good with all that was around him such as sin, evil, betrayal, murdering, slandering, fathers having children with their daughters, violence, weaponry, and they had even begun forms of technologically? Is there a difference in what God was disappointed in and what caused Him to want to wipe this earth clean and start over - from where we are today? How are we living our lives with the world as it is today? Look at everything around us! This world is full of sin, corruption, lies, New World Order!! Can you believe all of our surroundings? Are we teaching our children what the bible says about the life we are called to live or are we teaching our children that it is okay to accept certain things of the world? So many prophecies are being filled in today's times. Our war on terrorism and the wars around the world in our own neighborhoods, the weapons of mass destruction that are being built and talked about. Over 5 billion people suffer from a food shortage ranging from those her in our own back yard to all over this country! Look at how many children are in orphanages or foster homes from parents that simply can't take care of them! From 1890 to 1900 (10 year span) there was only one major earthquake in the world. In the past 30 days alone we have on record 693 earthquakes around the world ( The tribulations that so many christian people are under today! Look at China, Sudan, Africa, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Russia, and many Muslim nations, Christians suffer much greater persecution and often times death for their faith! Then there is Matthew 24:14 - between Media, World Wide Web, Missionaries, Radio, the translation of the bible in so many different languages and through all of the technology we have in today's society, we are preaching the gospel throughout the world! In II Timothy 3:1-5,7 it is evident what we are being told about the end times. Just watch the nightly news, look at those around you in this world.

Praise God for the teachings in the Bible to teach us how to live a life that is obedient and pure. Though at times it isn't always an easy life to follow that path of Gods will and instruction for our lives is what will save us from the very end of this earth. We will live in eternity with Him. We need to be teaching our children that it is only the bible that we look for answers from not this world. Lead by example, lead with knowledge, and lead by and with love - just as Noah did. His family was blessed, his family was asked to be the start of the world again after everything and everyone else was destroyed. Why do you think this is? It is because God saw that Noah would teach his children His way. God knows what this world is today. He knows the outcome and the specific day that His Son will return to earth! He is in control! He is Sovereign and Mighty!

Though far from a perfect mother, wife, daughter, and follower my desire is to know Him more. To learn His will, to follow His word! My thought and prayer today is that in all that is surrounding us in the world that is evil and deceptive, that we as Christians will be able to look into the future of a brighter day when we are all joined as one with Him. Not looking to the worldly possessions that make us happy in the moment, but the ones that give us Eternal happiness.

Very Respectfully,

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor. - Romans 12:10